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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How to Lose Weight Forever

How do you lose weight? Do you eat low carbs, high carbs, or no carbs? Do you count calories or not? What about high protein, fat or low fat? Can you lose weight by taking tablets or by drinking shakes? How can you find out what is right when all the experts seem to disagree.

There is plenty of scientific research to prove the claims of the experts but it seems that they keep changing 'the facts'. Every month there is a new method of losing weight backed by scientific evidence and raving reviews by people who claim miraculous weight loss results.

Can You Really Trust these 'experts' and their claims?

Last year, more than $40 billion was spent on weight loss products, just in America. If the pills and supplements work, why are there more overweight people than ever?

The weight loss industry does not want you to lose weight. The supplement companies make money by taking advantage of your need. They would be cutting off their cash supply if their products worked.

The only way to lose weight permanently and to remain healthy is to follow a nutritional, balanced diet and sensible exercise program. There are some simple rules to follow and some foods to avoid. You do have to exercise regularly.

Exercise is vital to your general health and is not just a weight loss technique.

There is no easy fix, no miracle pill and no magic powder.

The good news is that it is not difficult to gain muscle mass, increase your metabolism and begin to see the health benefits, almost immediately. It is never too late to start and you may be pleasantly surprised at how easy it becomes to look great and feel fantastic.

For More Related Topics Blog: Dotties Weightloss Zone

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